
Struggling with which Bible verses you should use to reach unbelieving friends?  We have a few suggestions.

Hannah Ploegstra, writing for Go There, has several suggestions on how to use the bible to reach unbelievers…

First, Start with verses they already appreciate.  Philip noticed a man in a chariot headed back to Ethiopia who was poring over Isaiah 53, having no idea what it meant. The fact that the passage didn’t use the words ‘Jesus’, ‘cross’ or ‘gospel’ didn’t deter Philip from springing off that passage and telling the man the good news.

She points out that the world quotes (and misquotes) Bible verses all the time. Many unbelievers feel comforted hanging the Lord’s Prayer on the wall in hospitals and other places where people die.

So why not start with what’s already in their heads?

Next, get back to Christ, especially his resurrection. The laser-point centre of the Bible is the resurrection of Christ.

Jesus’ resurrection is the impossible but historical reality that makes all the difference. Without it we really have nothing substantive to offer the world.

The apostles understood that faith in Christ’s resurrection was the line that separated the saved from the unsaved, and they were constantly boiling their arguments down to that single point.  (Acts 2:24-36, 8:34-35, 10:39-42, 17:31, 24:15; Rom 10:9 all address this reality.

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