The marathon is a project of the Indiana-based ministry Seedline International. It  features volunteers taking turns in 15-minute speaking slots reading the Bible from cover to cover.

The event started Saturday and runs through tomorrow. 

Seedline International Founder and Director Keith Davidson told The Christian Post that reading the Bible in our nation’s Capital is a lifetime experience. 

Readers typically face westward, which means they are actually reading across the country. 

Davidson said the event aims to “bring back [America’s] attention to the Bible” and “how important it is for the foundation of our country” and “for the family unit.” He hopes the Bible Reading Marathon helps “return us back to reading one of the most important books to have ever been written.” 

Notable faith leaders are participating in the event including Michael Hall of the People’s Church in Washington, D.C., George Roller of the ministry Hope to the Hill, Carl Herbster of the ministry Advance USA and Peggy Nienaber of the nonprofit organization Faith & Liberty.

Bible reading marathons have also taken place or will take place at state capitol buildings in Indiana, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and West Virginia in 2024. Tennessee is scheduled to have a Bible reading marathon at its state capitol in 2025.

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