Aaron Thorn says he would do anything for his wife of 22 years. Right now, that means wearing a sign that reads ‘Need Kidney 4 My Wife’ around the Hamilton, Ohio area in the hopes of finding a perfect match.

Keli Thorn, mother of four, was diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease more than 10 years ago. Doctors told her in September that she will need a kidney transplant “sooner than later.”

Aaron told reporters – “We’re overly terrified. Just the shock of it when you find out someone you love is in bad condition… It’s overwhelming.”

Aaron also created a website, KidneyForKeli.com, to try to find a match. Among other qualifications, the donor needs to have an A+ blood type.

His efforts have been praised on social media, and the couple says around 100 people have called The Christ Hospital, offering to give Keli their kidney.


They’ve also been getting attention nationwide with the website attracting several thousand visitors since it was created.

But, despite all the offers, they still haven’t found Keli a match. But the couple is hoping all those offers won’t go unused.

Aaron said – “One of the greatest things about what we’re doing is not only will we be able to find Keli a kidney, we will be able to find other people in the community a kidney.” 

Keli has not been put on the lengthy transplant list because she still has to complete the long testing process. The couple is hoping to find that match before she goes on it.

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