Happy Birthday To All

A Kentucky student shows love to her classmates by making sure everyone’s birthday is celebrated.   A Kentucky third-grader was featured on ABC’s Good Morning America’s website recnetly for a project s... Listen Now...

Hometown Heroes

A group of teenage boys in Caldwell, Idaho, are being hailed as hometown heroes after a video of them picking up an elderly man and bringing him home to clean his wounds went viral on Facebook. Victor Ornel... Listen Now...

Changing Lives

The Pro-life movie 'Unplanned' has prompted nearly 100 abortion clinic workers to leave the industry. According to congressional testimony, 94 clinic workers have said they intend to leave their jobs in the... Listen Now...

The Rise Is Moving Faster

A disturbing new study finds Emergency room visits for suicidal children and teens have doubled since 2007.  In 2007, an estimated 580,000 people between 10 and 18 were seen for suicidal behavior in US... Listen Now...

One Man Helped As Many As 1200 Patients

A 92-year-old Colorado man has donated close to 50 gallons of blood in his lifetime. The average adult has approximately 1.2 to 1.5 gallons of blood in their body at any given time. If they choose to donate... Listen Now...

A Compelling Story

Despite a media blackout, the pro-life film, Unplanned, is a surprise hit.  Box Office Mojo reports the movie, which was released on March 29, has pulled in more than $8.6 million in North American th... Listen Now...

“In God We Trust”

A national atheist group is threatening to sue the state of Mississippi over a new law that makes license plates declaring “In God We Trust” the default plates in the state. The American Humanist Associatio... Listen Now...

The 5 “G”‘s to Growth

Retirement from work is not retirement from spiritual growth. Here are a couple of ways to increase your spiritual growth as you get older. The suggestions come from Dawn Wilson writing for Crosswalk.com. ... Listen Now...

Dealing With Trauma

Billy Graham’s rapid response team offers 5 tips on dealing with trauma. Trauma can affect us in multiple different ways, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It’s normal to have a response to trauma. B... Listen Now...

A 13yr Old With a Big Heart.

A 13-year-old boy trades in his Xbox and does yard work to buy his single mother a car. A selfless 13-year-old boy from Nevada is warming hearts across the country after surprising his mother with a car.&nb... Listen Now...