Homeless Hero

That fiery multi-car and truck crash outside of Denver a few days made headlines across the country. But there’s a hero from the story that not many people heard about. A man who was panhandling before the ... Listen Now...

Suicide Contagion

A new study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychology indicates that youth suicides spiked following the release of the controversial Netflix series “13 Reasons Why.... Listen Now...

A Process Of Healing

A Pastor in Kentucky has turned an old motel into a drug rehab center. The Inez Motel may have once been a place where drugs were exchanged and even used. Owners of the rundown motel sold the property, whic... Listen Now...

Serve Lynchburg

Liberty University students are building community by serving others. In April, Liberty University continued its commitment to impacting the community as Champions for Christ when it sponsored the second an... Listen Now...

Agape Village

A church in Oregon is building 15 Tiny Homes in an effort to reach out to the Local Homeless Community. Central Church of the Nazarene in Portland saw a need in community and is extending a helping hand by ... Listen Now...

Start Them Young

Those in the know say kids who do regular chores are more successful as adults. While some parents feel guilty making their kids do their daily chores, experts say it can actually have a positive effect on ... Listen Now...

To Give It Your Best

A 10-year-old Maryland girl who was born without hands just won a national handwriting competition. Sara Hinesley doesn’t understand why it’s so remarkable that she won a national handwriting competition. ... Listen Now...

To Die For Your Faith

Violent attacks on Christians have doubled since 2017. 11 Christians are murdered every day because of their faith. Violence against Christians, like the bomb attacks that killed at least 311 people in Cath... Listen Now...

Church Membership Is At An All-Time Low

A new Gallup report finds Church membership in America is at an all-time low. The new report analyzing religious membership of Americans have found that an average of 50% of Americans in 2018 said they bel... Listen Now...