We told you yesterday of a few signs that you need a break from Social media. Today, some more. 

These suggestions come from Mandy Smith writing for Ibelieve.com.

  • A fifth reason – If You Feel Alone… It’s true that looking at videos and pictures of other people’s lives can help someone to not feel quite as alone, but it can also do the opposite. If you leave Facebook feeling left out or less than, logout and remind yourself that you are loved and in God’s good hands.
  • Next, Your Fingers Are Actually Hurting.… This one is more humorous but it really is something some have experienced. They say they noticed that their right thumb was actually starting to hurt from swiping so much. No one wants arthritis or carpal tunnel.
  • When You’d Rather Stay at Home, Especially for Church.… If you go to a large church, it can be easy to feel lost in the shuffle. it can be tempting to sleep in and watch church online. While online church is a fabulous option for many, if you are able bodied and can get to your local church, you should try to make it there in person. 
  • It’s Taking a Financial Toll…. Facebook has a way of figuring out the things you’re looking at on Amazon and ever so subtly placing those advertisements on your news feed. It can be a budget buster.
  • And finally, You Forget Your Blessings…. It has become easier to take a picture of a fun moment and post it on social media.  Unfortunately, that makes it easier to forget about what God has done in your life. Keeping a journal instead.

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