Here’s a way to start out the new year right… a plan for having a better quiet time in 2018. We have a few suggestions to help you get there. recently offered several suggestions for improving or starting your quiet time…

Here are just a few:

First, Don’t Box Yourself In

God works on an individual basis. We each have a unique relationship with Him. Don’t feel like your quiet time needs to look like anyone else’s. There is no right or wrong way. You do not have to read a chapter a day, finish the Bible in a year, read a Psalm and a Proverb each day, or meet any other of those well-meaning goals.


Your quiet time with God might look different every day. Some days read chapter upon chapter and some days you might be convicted after a few verses. Be sensitive to the Spirit. There isn’t a box that you have to fit into.

Next, Give Yourself Some Grace

If spending time reading your Bible is a new thing for you, it may not immediately be your favorite part of your day. Commit to the process. You will see results when you are engaged in spending time in your Bible each and every day. Give yourself some grace if it takes a little while to develop a real love for it.

And Get Started On The Right Foot

There is something immensely powerful about getting up a little earlier and starting your day in God’s Word. It has a way of changing your mindset and starting your day off with a more Christ-like focus. Not to mention, that if it is the first thing that you do each day, it won’t get forgotten or set aside for other tasks.

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