A new report from the Napa Legal Institute has revealed the full extent of big-tech censorship of Christians. It details the growing attitude of hostility towards faith-based views and organizations in large tech companies, and urges “decisive” actions by faith leaders to confront this new culture.

The report alleges that since the beginning of the year, religious organizations and individuals have been censored on social media at a rate of roughly once a week. 

While many of these actions have gone relatively unnoticed, some have risen to the status of national news. Among them was Amazon’s removal of Ryan T. Anderson’s book When Harry Became Sally, which challenged progressive orthodoxy on transgender issues. Amazon deleted the book from their catalogue and refused to reverse the decision, despite widespread backlash by conservatives and Christians. They later doubled down on the ban, saying they have “chosen not to sell books that frame LGBTQ+ identity as a mental illness.”

In practice, that standard gives Amazon a blanket justification to censor any content that presents the traditional Christian view of gender and sex. Whether or not they follow through on their new policy, the existence of such a policy puts any faith-based publisher or author in a position of suspicion, especially if they write on LGBT issues.