It all started last month when Eric Us and his son Frankie went to hang several American flags outside their home. But what started as a flag here and there has turned into hundreds flying throughout their community.

Eric said he started seeing more and more flags around the five boroughs of New York in June….and since he was stuck at home because of the quarantine, he thought placing flags around his home would be a great activity for him and his son.

The effort started with a single flag outside the home on a utility pole and then a Facebook page….and from there it took off.

Frankie told Fox News he’s pretty sure his dad just wanted to get him out of the house during the lockdown….but it turned into a lesson about America and what it stands for.

Eric said he wanted to teach his son that the simple act of putting a flag on a utility pole could start a movement proving there’s plenty of good in the world.

He said neighbors would see him and his son putting up the flag and beep their horns as they drove by while wishing them well.

Frankie said he loves it when people honk their horns as they drive by because it shows they care about America

Eric says although he is disturbed to see flags being burned during riots in several American cities, his real motivation was simply to honor the flag and what it stands for.

Meanwhile, Frankie says he plans to keep hanging flags wherever he can.