We are living in uncertain times. But pastors can help through a crisis. Today, we’ll tell you how.

Long time pastor Ronnie Floyd has developed Four Ways a Pastor can Lead through this — and any crisis:

1. Lead by preaching the Bible.

— People do not expect you to be a medical expert on the coronavirus, nor did they come to hear you pontificate on political issues. People need a word from God in these uncertain times, so preach the Bible and provide hope to everyone.

2. Lead by leading with confidence.

— As a pastor, you are called by God, anointed by God, and raised up by God to lead in times like these. Lead wisely under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, shepherding the church and pleasing God, not people.

3. Lead by praying like it matters.

— Place even greater priority on prayer in your worship services and online gatherings.

— Pray with confidence knowing that God cares for you and all the people in the world. Pray with authority knowing that God is our ultimate Healer of all disease and pain.


4. And finally, Lead by working strategically through your greatest challenges.

— Strategize how you can communicate with your people instantaneously and more effectively.

— Strategize how you can sharpen your church’s focus on the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, our ultimate priority of making disciples of all the nations.

Floyd asks Pastors to rise up in these uncertain times and lead God’s people triumphantly through this season. 

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