A Kentucky high school is bringing back the Pledge of Allegiance in morning announcements.

The pledge of allegiance used to be a typical way for students to start their school day…but that ended some time ago.

In 1943, the Supreme Court ruled schools cannot force students to say the pledge, because that would violate their of freedom of speech.

But Matthew Houser wants to change that. The first year as principal at McCracken County High School in Padukah says his students will start reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

He called reciting the pledge “a great opportunity for kids every day to be reminded how special this country is and how blessed they are to live here.” 


He collected more than 100 American flags— one for every classroom.  And then each class starts with the pledge.

Houser says he’s made a commitment to recite the Pledge of Allegiance every day as long as he’s principal.

Houser said -“In today’s society, as divided as things seem to be, we are all united. Not just as McCracken County Mustangs, but as society in general, we are united under this flag.”

The students say there are some mixed feelings about doing the pledge. If someone does not want to participate, Houser says that is OK. They don’t force participation.

But junior Madelyn Thompson admits,”It’s just kind of like an overwhelming feeling when you hear those words.” 

junior Dalton Skinner added — “Standing up in the morning and saying a few words, the pledge, is the least I can do.”

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