We have two stories today that we hope will you get into the spirit of Christmas. And both involve our elderly neighbors and the people who protect us.

The first story comes from Pennsylvania where a 93-year-old toymaker crafted hundreds of wooden toys to give to children for Christmas.

Pennsylvania State Police posted a photo of Ed Higinbotham with a trooper, showing one of his hand-made toy trucks.

According to WTAE, Higinbotham spends all year making the toys.

State trooper Robert Broadwater told KDKA – “We know he makes these handmade. If you look at the bottom of the toy, he dates them with his initials.”

On Thursday, troopers picked up 300 of his toys, which they’ll then distribute to preschools and other groups in the Pittsburgh area.

Higinbotham told WTAE — “It’s just something that I enjoy doing, and now I make somebody else happy, and if that’s Santa Claus, then I’m Santa Claus.” 


And in Albany, New York, Police officers are being praised for shoveling more than a foot of snow off an elderly woman’s driveway.

Albany was hit with more than 22 inches of snow recently leaving a 99-year-old woman who lives alone, stranded.

According to a Facebook post, officers William Pierce, Christopher Stiles and John Schueler all drove to the woman’s home to help. They shoveled more than a foot of snow from her sidewalk and driveway.

The Facebook post read –“When duty calls.”

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