Throughout the Bible we are reminded to give thanks to God for who He is and for what He does. Paul tells us in I Thessalonians to “give thanks in everything”, but we make a special point to do that today.

On this Thanksgiving Day, American Christians have many reasons to have a grateful heart and to offer thanksgiving to God, not the least of which is that we can still worship the Lord according to the dictates of our conscience and faith. 

Those early settlers who risked much to come to the New World four hundred years ago did so in part so those coming after them could enjoy this foundational freedom.


Stephen McDowell, President of the Providence Foundation tells us the most important thing parents can teach their children about the Thanksgiving story is the most obvious.

We call this holiday Thanksgiving for a reason. Our Pilgrim forefathers, who are reflective of most of the founders of America, were firmly devoted to Almighty God and His Son Jesus Christ.

In recognition of His gracious hand upon them, they set aside regular public days to give thanks and glorify Him. This was not done merely once or twice but regularly throughout their entire lifetime. They set an example that was followed by those who came after them, even up until today. 

Through-out most of our history, Americans understood Thanksgiving days were to thank God. The Pilgrims’ love and devotion to God, and their reli-ance upon Him in abundance and lack, are evidenced not only by their private lives but also by their public days of Thanksgiving

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