The author of a book titled — 52 Things Kids Need From A Dad, says husbands should kiss their wives.

Jay Payleitner says “kissing your bride has many benefits. It tells her that you love her. It tells your kids that you love their mom. And it shows your kids that passion can happen in a committed, lifelong marriage relationship.”

The advice is also scriptural.  Paul reminds husbands in Ephesians that they are to love their wives as Christ loved the church.


Just as important as a show of appropriate affection in front of children, Payleitner says dads need to show respect to the mother of their children. Pushing yourself on her or yelling at her in front of the kids could make it appear as though it is okay for them to act in that way.

Chris Woodward, writing about the book for One Million says, “If you have boys, you run the risk of them thinking they too can treat women in a similar manner. Meanwhile, a daughter may be led to believe that that is how all men treat women.”

It is not just these things that are a problem. Disrespecting mom can be as simple as not appreciating the jobs that she does around the house. Some moms work outside and inside the home. This could mean office tasks in addition to cooking, cleaning, listening to their husbands rant and kids whine. For some moms, no one bothers to ask about their day and a simple kiss could help her forget her troubles and know that her husband cares.

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