
In Canada, a 19-year-old homeschool graduate and pro-life advocate won a provincial election by a landslide, becoming the youngest Member of Provincial Parliament in Ontario history.


Sam Oosterhoff, who suspended his first year of political science studies at Brock University to run, sailed to victory in a district covering Niagara, Ontario, winning 54 percent of the vote.

Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition pointed out that the young politician earned the overwhelming victory despite a “relentless smear campaign” by the ruling Liberal party and the mainstream media.

Fonseca told LifeSiteNews the homeschooled teen ran as a “pro-life and pro-family politician, and the result was the highest vote percentage in the past five elections.” He noted that Oosterhoff’s 54 percent of the popular vote was a 28 percent increase over the district’s previous winner in 2014.

Oosterhoff, who is a member of the Canadian Reformed Church, and former political staffer, promised during his campaign that he would “be a voice for common-sense, pro-family policies and concerns.” He also said he would “never waver in (his) support of parents as primary educators,” and would “strive to ensure that parental rights are respected in education” adding “Socially conservative politicians can win elections by being unapologetic.”

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