Is church really necessary for the Christian? Today, 5 reasons why believers can’t do without church.

The reasons come from Lisa Appelo writing in


First, you’re missing out on how God has chosen to work in this age. God founded the church. It’s not an invention of men like the Elks club or the Red Cross. God created the church and has specifically tasked it to carry out His work until Christ returns. 

Second, you’re missing out on using your spiritual gifts. Every believer has one or more spiritual gifts. The spiritual gifts God gives us are meant for the body.

Third, you’re missing out on spiritual gifts meant for you. If you’re not in a church, not only is the body missing out on your spiritual gifts, but you are missing out on the body’s spiritual gifts intended for you. 

Fourth, you’re missing out on accountability. God calls believers to be holy. Can we do that on our own? Theoretically, maybe it’s possible. Practically, however, we’ll fail.

And finally, You’re missing out on the sweetest fellowship this side of heaven. Appelo says she knows this one from experience. 

Her husband had a serious heart attack and was declared dead only to be brought back to life.

Appelo made a phone call to let a dear friend from her church know what was happening. Throughout the day, people from her church came to her home with meals, assistence, prayer and emotional support.

Appelo says she can’t imaging life without the friendships, equipping, accountability, and ministry that the church provides.

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