The image of new father praying over his newborn baby goes viral.

A beautiful image of a father and his son has taken the Internet by storm, testifying to the beauty of new life and fatherhood.

The image shows a father praying over his newborn son in a Brazilian hospital nursery. Taken moments after the newborn’s birth, the photo has touched countless people with its candid, prayerful moment. 


Victor Calmon, the 33-year-old first-time father took to social media to share a few words about his family, writing: “That moment when it hits you like a ton of bricks and your hands are shaking because you suddenly discover your purpose and the reason you’re in this world. To God I say, ‘Thank you,’ to my wife I say, ‘I love you,’ and to my son I say, ‘Welcome!’”

Calmon’s photo has been shared thousands of times on social media since his son Ivan’s birth in July 2018. Calmon told the Brazilian magazine Crescer

“I saw myself at the center of a complicated situation, you know, and everything was new to me, and incredible fear came over me. Now, I wouldn’t be worrying just about me anymore; I had this new life to take care of. So I got over my embarrassment and just knelt down and talked to God. I asked him to help me mature, to become a better man, a good father, a good husband, and to increase my desire to grow and work, so that my child might not lack anything.”

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