Do you post about your faith on social media? We’ll hear from someone who says you should.

In an op-ed in the Christian Post, Justin Steckbauer, says social media provides a passive way to influence coworkers, friends, and acquaintances.


He writes, “I started posting scriptures from’s daily scriptures that come to my email. I started posting little blurbs inviting people to come to my church on Sundays. I “liked” a bunch of Christian pages, joined Christian groups on Facebook, and started “resharing” pictures with Christian content.  

Over time I was sharing videos from Christian apologetics ministries, articles from Christian websites and blogs, and I was sharing all sorts of Christian content via my social accounts. I began to look for ways to connect with new people on Facebook and other platforms, with the hope that I could influence them through those accounts.”

Steckbauer admits that occasionally people would be upset with a post, and start an argument. Sometimes he debates them, and other times he doesn’t engage. A few were so upset they blocked him.

He writes, “I try not to let it bother me. Sometimes you have to stir things up a bit if you want people to know Jesus… adding. Sometimes we’re a little too careful not to offend anyone in this world. Sometimes we need to take some risks, even risk offending others, for the sake of winning their eternal souls to Christ.  “

At the end of the day, he says he doesn’t regret being a social media evangelist for Christ.

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