Attacks on Christian schools is the newest tactic from the mainstream media. But some say the criticism shows why they’re needed.

Among attacks against Christian schooling: Second Lady Karen Pence drew fire for teaching in an evangelical school; the social media hashtag #ExposeChristianSchools emerged; and false accusations against a group of Catholic school boys proliferated following the March for Life.


Wesley Scott, executive director of the Southern Baptist Association of Christian Schools told the Baptist press, “This country was founded on principles found in Scripture, however we are now in a culture in which those foundational principles are being attacked.

If you can take out the foundation, you can take the fortress. Churches and Christian schools are essential in repairing these foundational blows.”

Criticism of Christian schools emerged in mid-January when Karen Pence announced she had been hired to teach art part-time at Immanuel Christian School in northern Virginia. The school requires faculty, students and staff to uphold traditional Christian sexual morality, including prohibitions on homosexual activity and sex outside of a biblical marriage.

In response to Pence’s hiring, media commentators, gay rights activists and others criticized both her and the school. Vice President Mike Pence called it “deeply offensive” to “see major news organizations attacking Christian education.”

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