A humble dishwasher breaks down when coworkers buy him a much needed car.

The last thing anyone wants to experience at the end of a long work day is walking out to the parking lot to find your car stolen. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened to Kea.

Kea is a longtime employee at the Lafayette, Louisiana restaurant Ruffino’s on the River and recently, his car was stolen from the parking lot during his shift. The restaurant’s owners and staff decided to come together to help Kea out.


The restaurant’s manager, Chris Muffoletto, shared a video of the staff surprising Kea on his Facebook page. He said that the surprise was the most “touching” thing he’s experienced in his 30 years in the business, and expressed pride in his staff for coming together for one of their own.

In the video, Kea is seen walking alongside his manager toward a crowd of friends and coworkers. His manager says to him,

“So the whole staff got together and we got you a little surprise, a small surprise. Look at me. You’re family alright. You’ve worked your butt off. We love you. We want you to be here as long as you can be here. So, we got you a little something.”

Then, the crowd parts to reveal a new car.

Kea is immediately overcome with emotion when he sees his surprise. The crowd cheers as he wipes away tears and hugs his coworkers, thanking them for their unbelievable act of kindness.

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