The Nativity Story tells us several things about God that you need to hear.

Here are just a few:

First, Jesus was humble. Nazareth had less than 500 residents, and “great people were expected to come from famous places, such as Jerusalem. Jesus didn’t need to come into the world alongside fanfare in tune with our idea of a grandiose entrance. He’s the same today as was when He walked the earth: simply, but powerfully and miraculously always with us.

Next, All things are possible with God. Faith trusts that anything is possible for God, but few of us live through such a huge impossibility as Mary did. Following Jesus isn’t easy. It wasn’t easy for His earthly mother and it isn’t easy for us now. The impossible is possible with God.


Third, God often works in seemingly strange ways. This improbable set of circumstances perhaps readied Mary and Joseph to receive the impossible with God, regardless of public support or opinion. Christ’s methods on earth then and still today are frequently improbable. His ways are not our ways. In fact, they are often completely backwards.

And Biblical prophecies will be fulfilled. More than 300 prophecies foretold Christ’s coming, His life and journey to the cross, and the power of His Resurrection. God alone could plan those specific details and ensure they all come to pass.

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