Lifeway Christian Resources president Thom Rainer has some suggestion on keeping your church safe from another shooting tragedy.

Rainer says the recent shootings in America compel him to talk about a distasteful topic….keeping your church safe.  Here are his suggestions for preparing for a tragedy.


  1. Don’t be in denial. Church shootings are increasing every year in America. And while the percentage of churches with shootings is relatively small, this issue is one where we must be prepared. The downside is just too great.
  2. Have a church security plan. This plan should include all issues of security, from active shooters to child abuse.
  3. Remember that church security is a ministry more than an expense. The church doors should not be open if it can’t afford to keep members safe and secure.
  4. Keep church security as a matter of prayer in your church. While we should work as hard as possible to make our churches as secure as possible, let’s never forget that we should seek God’s power, strength, and protection.
  5. Organize a church security ministry team. You need leaders who are passionate about this issue.
  6. Keep your facilities secure. Limit the number of people with keys and access to the church buildings.
  7. Strive for total member awareness. Remind your members from time to time that they should watch for anything unusual at the church. Greeters at different places in the church facility, from the parking lots to the worship center, should be trained toward awareness as well. Those with keen eyes and discernment can save lives.

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