The Society was founded in 1979 and began distributing food to those in need back in 1983.

Meg Spears-Newsome, a spokesperson for the Society, told The Christian Post “Every pound of food represents the generosity of farmers, volunteers, donors — and every pound of food feeds families who would not otherwise have enough to eat.”

She added, “We provide opportunities for others to serve, fostering renewal in people’s lives, congregations and the community.”

Thus far this year, the food distribution ministry has given 12.7 million pounds of food to the less fortunate with the products going to more than 1,300 food pantries and other organizations throughout the United States.

Spears-Newsome said one of the Bible verses that inspires her organization is 1 John 3:18, “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.”

According to its website, the Society seeks to bring “people together to harvest and share healthy food, reduce food waste, and build caring communities by offering nourishment to hungry neighbors.”

The organization draws inspiration from Old Testament law, which called on farmers harvesting their land to not harvest the corners of their property or to go over a field more than once, so that whatever was left could go to the poor.

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