While a substantial number of Christian colleges continue to maintain ties with Planned Parenthood, one pro-life organization is celebrating that over a dozen schools have taken action this year to address concerns about their ties to the nation’s largest provider of abortions and cross-sex hormones for youth confused about their sex. 

An arm of the pro-life advocacy group Students for Life of America released a report highlighting the findings of its 2024 Christian Schools Project.

The data for the report is based on research conducted throughout the 2023-2024 academic school year, culminating with outreach to each of the 87 Christian colleges and universities found to have ties to Planned Parenthood.

The report found that Christian schools have “steadily increased their support of Planned Parenthood by 10% each year since 2022.” 

The report also found a startling number of professors with individual connections to the abortion industry, hinting at a more insidious problem brewing at Christian schools that suggests their staffing choices do not reflect the foundational values of their institutions. 

Schools that received the highest grades in the report for their pro-life values include Arizona Christian University, Benedictine College, Hillsdale College, Liberty University, and Wheaton College.