At age 96, Adelyn Dickey has the distinction of being the oldest member of First Baptist Church Mt. Washington in Kentucky. But more remarkable is the impact she has had on children there during her 80 years as a Sunday school teacher.

She and her late husband did not have children but teaching 2-year-olds for eight decades resulted in “lots and lots of memories.” When she sees someone who sat in her classroom, she will say, “That’s one of my children — they’re all my children.”

She laughs when people ask, “Do you remember me?” She quickly responds, “You were 2 years old!” But when she hears the name, most likely she remembers. For more perspective, she noted that one of her early students just celebrated his 80th birthday.

Dickey was saved at age 9 in January 1936 and became a charter member of FBC Mt. Washington. Much of her life has been invested in ministries at the church. She taught Mission Friends as well as teaming up with her niece to teach a music group. She has worked in Vacation Bible School and worked in the kitchen when First Baptist opened it up to serve meals on Wednesday nights. She has delivered meals to people on the church’s hospital list. She is known for her visits to welcome newborns and still makes hospital visits, as well as sending out postcards to adults who she taught when they were children.

To say she’s made an impact is an understatement.