The Evangelist and motivational speaker got the idea to launch a financial service that’s friendly to conservatives after he was suddenly debanked about five years ago because he was supporting the pro-life cause.

He was given no warning, and his credit cards and debit cards were frozen. 

What he did get was a letter from the bank saying they reviewed him as a client and as a result didn’t want anything to do with him.

The new project, ProLifeFintech, is an institution that will honor God first, serve the people who use the Fintech platform, and always choose to support life. Fintech is another term for online banking.

The new financial organization’s plan is to give 50 percent of its net profits to Judeo-Christian-aligned nonprofit organizations.

Multiple conservatives have been targeted by financial institutions at home and abroad. 

Vujicic has been working since July of 2021 to start a bank that will support pro-life efforts after learning that many financial institutions donate to organizations that promote abortions.

Vujicic has tetra-amelia syndrome, a disorder that caused him to be born without limbs. Despite facing major challenges, he created his own ministry, Life Without Limbs. As an evangelist, he has reached millions of people across dozens of countries with a gospel message of hope — a feat he credits to God.