The initiative is ServeNC.  It calls on church members to complete service projects in their local communities from Aug. 3 to Aug. 10. 

Service projects will range from food pantrys and free yard sales to wheelchair ramp builds and back-to-school distributions. Projects have been tailored to each community’s specific needs, and churches are still reporting new projects online.

While a church serving its community is not a novel concept, the whole body of Christ doing so together is something special, and in this case its estimated that around 30,000 North Carolinians will take part.

Todd Unzincker, the Executive Director-Treasurer of Baptist State Convention of North Carolina told The Christian Post:

“We don’t want to be clanging gongs and telling a homeless person about Jesus while not meeting their needs. We don’t want to be a clanging gong that ignores the needs around us. We want to do both ends. We want to meet people’s physical needs. We [also] want to give people help for today and hope for tomorrow.”

Any church wishing to sign up for ServeNC can do so at The website offers free promotional materials, training and other resources to help churches prepare for the August event.

Unzincker said, “God taught to bring His kingdom come, [His will be done] on earth as it is in Heaven,” “So we just asked the question, ‘Why not in North Carolina as it is in Heaven?'”