A group of Democratic members of Congress are calling on the Internal Revenue Service to investigate the National Christian Conservative Advocacy Organization.

Reps. Jared Huffman of California and Suzan DelBene of Washington sent the letter last week with 11 other lawmakers joining. The correspondence is addressed to U.S. Treasury Department Secretary Janet Yellen and IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel.

The Democrats conveyed “continued concerns about the tax-exempt status of certain organizations” such as the FRC, claiming that said groups “are self-identifying as ‘churches’ or ‘associations of churches’ to receive more favorable tax treatment than other tax-exempt organizations.”

In the past, the FRC, headed by Tony Perkins, has denounced calls to investigate its status as an association of churches. Perkins told The Christian Post in 2022 that the status change was made because it “more accurately reflects our expanding ministry work.”

“Based upon a lengthy application process and audit of our activities, the IRS granted our status as an association of churches,” Perkins stated at the time, labeling the calls for investigation of his group “an egregious abuse of power.”

He added, “The Democratic Party’s attempts to silence religious organizations, with whom they disagree, will not stop with FRC.”