Baucham, who is on leave in the U.S. from his position as Dean of Theology at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia, preached from Romans 1 during an event earlier this month at Lamar Baptist Church outside Dallas.

In his message he warned that the pervasive sexual sins of the prevailing culture are signs of divine judgment, but that the Gospel still offers hope, and that American Christians should plead with God for revival while preparing for persecution.

Reiterating some of the points in his new book, It’s Not Like Being Black: How Sexual Activists Hijacked the Civil Rights Movement, Baucham noted the irony that he was making his remarks on the first day of pride month, which he referred to as “pride goes before destruction month.”

Noting that the Apostle Paul ultimately spends much of the first chapter of Romans explaining how the wrath of God manifests in the world by giving mankind over to sexual depravity, Baucham also observed that Paul lays the foundation of his difficult arguments on the hope and reality of the Gospel.

Baucham said, “We are living in a time…when there are people who are desperately wicked, and in desperate need of repentance and faith…. And we’re being told that the wickedness is, in fact, the Gospel.” 

He noted that such a worldview is destructive because it not only calls good evil and evil good, but also “alienates people from the only hope that they have.”