Advocates for religious freedom are urging the Egyptian government to release Nour Girgis and Abdulbaqi Saeed Abdo, who have been detained without trial since 2021 for their association with a Facebook page that supports individuals converting from Islam to Christianity. Authorities linked their involvement with terrorism activities.

In November 2021, Girgis, an employee at a pharmaceutical company, was summoned to a police station under the pretense of routine questioning.

Subsequently, Girgis was transferred to a Terrorism Unit where he was informally accused of leading a Facebook group named “Al Abareen,” meaning “to cross over” in Arabic, and committing blasphemy against Islam.

Girgis has endured repeated interrogations, humiliation and physical torture without a formal trial date, preventing adequate legal defense preparation.

Saeed, originally from Yemen, faced arrest in December 2021 for his activities related to the same Facebook group and public evangelism. Saeed has been subjected to transfers across various detention facilities, suffering from severe medical issues worsened by the poor conditions of confinement. His family, including a son born during his detention, has been allowed only sporadic visits.