Nearly two years ago, Jacob Hammer, an Israeli soldier and die-hard Bengal’s fan attended an AFC Championship game during the team’s playoff run.

He fell in love with the Bengals while living in Ohio.  He rarely missed a game.

Today Hammer is fighting on the front lines in Israel. His love for the Bengals remains, along with a new friendship he formed with a fellow fan in Middletown, Ohio.

Hammer said, “I’m literally standing 500 meters away from Gaza, and we’re protecting this area of the country. It’s been a really hard week and a half. I think every single person here in this country knows someone that died.”

Amid tragedy, pressure and uncertainty, Hammer said he and his fellow soldiers are standing strong.

He was hopeful, in part, thanks to that new friend and fellow Bengals fan in Middletown.

Social media and their love for the team connected the Israeli soldier and Jeremiah Morgan at the start of the war.

Morgan asked what he could do to help. The answer was pizza.

Morgan collected donations from fellow members of Stratford Heights Church of God to bring Israeli soldiers a sliver of joy during a dark time.

Hammer’s dad, Sholom delivered the pizza. He’s been going into the war zone to bring soldiers food and supplies.

The soldiers sent thank you videos to the church. 

Shalom said it’s heartwarming what Jeremiah and Stratford Heights was doing for their soldiers.