Kevin and Casey Kilgore had what most would consider normal lives. Kevin had served as an associate pastor at Northside Baptist Church in Tifton, Ga., for 14 years. They had four daughters, all in public schools, a mortgage – and a cat.

The Kilgores imagined spending the rest of their lives serving the Tifton community.

But then God said go.

In 2021 the Kilgore’s decided to sell everything they had, purchase an RV and travel North America to encourage church planting missionaries who have been sent out by the North American Mission Board. Together with their four kids, they’ve visited more than 125 church planters in 27 of NAMB’s send cities in 42 states.

In each city they visit, the Kilgores connect with church planters beforehand. Always looking for tangible ways to serve church planters, they often take a planter’s family out for a meal. They pray for them. Sometimes, they participate in ministry activities to support the church plant. A few times, God has led them to meet specific needs in the planting family’s life or in the life of their church.

“Encouragement for us looks different in each situation,” Casey said. “I think the bottom line is just spending the time with the planter and his family, getting to know them. Then out of that, we get all kinds of different opportunities for connection.”

Kevin said the past 16 months have taught him much about his relationship with God, most importantly how God provides when you step out in faith.