Homeschooling is on the rise in the wake of lockdowns and questionable curriculum in public schools. Some things to consider if you’re thinking about homeschooling your children.

In an article for The Daily Signal Eve Deborah, a homeschooling mother of three, offers four tips to help get you started.

1. Make sure you understand your state’s homeschooling laws

Make sure you have met the legal requirements to homeschool in your state. You can find out what is required by looking on your state’s Department of Education website or check out Home School Legal Defense Association. It will bring you peace of mind to know exactly what is legally required to homeschool, and to know that you have all of your bases covered.

2. Figure out your child’s learning style

Throw what you know about schooling out the window. Homeschooling is meant to be a completely different approach to education. You will want to learn your child’s learning style.

3. Get a curriculum as a safety net

Find a curriculum that caters to your child’s learning style. Treat curriculum as a guide. It will help you stay on track with your child’s education but by no means should a curriculum cap your homeschooling teaching style.

4. Test your child independently

Many homeschoolers may disagree with my next piece of advice because they want to get away from standardization. Testing your child isn’t about standardizing them … it’s simply about knowing where they are in their education. And The truth is, one day your child will need to know how to take a test.