A Church raises $100K through a month-long fast so they can pay off student debt for 34 graduates.

For the last few years, the Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia has asked their congregation to participate in a fast for the duration of January by giving up certain luxuries, such as social media, junk food, or alcohol.

They also asked the church-goers to abstain from spending money on any non-essential items so they could donate the money instead to an important cause.

The financial fasting ended up raising over $100,000, and the church used the money to pay off the outstanding debt of graduating college students at Howard University in Washington D.C.


Church pastor Dr. Howard John Wesley said, “We decided to come to Howard University to find some students who are about to change the world but have some financial concerns, and let them know we’re going to take care of it for them.”

34 graduating students, each with varying amounts of debt ranging from hundreds to thousands, benefited from the donation.

University president Wayne A. I. Frederick said the church members’ “generosity is a reminder of how one person’s selfless act of kindness can be multiplied and have a profound impact on the lives of others.”  He also called it a true blessing.

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