Should you expect your marriage to make you happy?  A writer at Relevant Magazine says “no.”

Writer Debra Fileta says she heard a married man on TV say he shouldn’t be with someone if he’s not happy.” He was contemplating divorce.

She says it’s an attitude many people have but only reveals the self-centered society in which we live.

Fileta contends everyone believes their main goal in life is their own personal happiness. She calls that a small and shallow way to live – and ultimately leads to disappointment.

He are her words in the article….

“Marriage is not about your happiness, it’s not even about you. It’s about love—which is something we choose to give time and time again. It’s about sacrifice, serving, giving, forgiving—and then doing it all over again.

No wonder we choose divorce over commitment. Because often, we’re choosing “personal happiness” over real commitment, over real love.

Because at the heart of it, real love is all about sacrifice. About the giving of yourself, in ways big and small.

It’s about offering forgiveness when you’ve been hurt.

It’s about giving your time though it’s not always convenient.

It’s about sharing your heart when you’d rather hold back.

It’s about cleaning the kitchen after a long weekend, even if it’s your least favorite job.

It’s about choosing to respond with love when you’d rather respond in anger.

It’s about putting someone else’s needs and desires before your own.

It’s about laying down your rights, to make way for the rights of another.”