Online magazine Newsmax has come up with its list of the 100 most influential pro life advocates. We’ll take a look at the top five.
Newsmax complied its list based on a variety of media and pro-life sources.
Leading the list is Reverend Franklin Graham, president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. The son of the great global evangelist Billy Graham has emerged as one of the nation’s strongest voices in defense of traditional values, including the right to life. The chief of the international Samaritan’s Purse relief organization recently blasted the U.S. Senate for hypocrisy after it blocked Planned Parenthood defunding, and then hours later greeted Pope Francis with a standing ovation.
Next is David Daleiden founder of the Irvine, California-based Center for Medical Progress — As leader of a group of citizen journalists exposing “bioethical issues that impact human dignity,” it was Daleiden’s release of undercover videos depicting Planned Parenthood officials allegedly offering up baby parts harvested from abortions that spurred a push to defund the organization.
At number three is Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor — Palin proudly doted on “perfectly beautiful” infant son Trig during her address to the 2008 Republican National Convention. Some 40 million viewers learned Trig had been prenatally diagnosed with Down syndrome. Palin, the “mama grizzly” who ran for vice president, has been revered by the pro-life community ever since.
In the fourth spot is Phyllis Schlafly, founder of the Eagle Forum and the Republican National Coalition for Life — She’s been called the “first lady of conservatism” and now, at 91, she continues to crusade as an activist for conservative causes.
And the fifth spot goes to Heisman trophy winner Tim Tebow, — Tebow told his “miracle baby” story in a series of inspirational Super Bowl commercials in 2010. Several mothers have credited those ads with encouraging them not to terminate their pregnancies and to carry their babies to term.