Do you want your children to do well in school? Then researchers say make sure they go to church and keep your family intact.
Every parent wants to do all they can to help their children succeed in school. Here’s an aid you might not have considered. The Marriage and Religion Research Institute found those who have the best chance of success in schools are also those who come from intact families and attend church weekly or more.
The researchers found teenagers who attended church weekly or more had the highest grade point average (GPA), the highest combined average GPA in English and Math, received the highest percentage of A’s at school, and scored in the highest percentile on the standardized tests.
Conversely, teens who reported never going to church had the lowest GPA, the lowest combined average GPA in English and math, had the lowest percentage of receiving mostly A’s at school, and scored in the lowest percentile on standardized tests.
Here are some other findings…Teenagers from an intact family or adoptive family were three times less likely than any other family structure to have repeated a grade. Additionally, teens from always-single parent families had the lowest GPA and were least likely to have received mostly A’s at school.
We talked with Julaine Appling, president of the Wisconsin Family Council, and she said the findings are pretty impressive. Listen to the program for the full interview!