Just how much do young people love to take selfies? Wait until you hear how many they’ll take in a lifetime. A recent survey from Luster Premium White, a teeth whitening brand based in Boston, calculated that the average millennial could take up to 25,700 selfies in his or her lifetime.
Millennials, usually defined as people between the ages of 18 and 34, have proven particularly drawn to selfies. More than half of young adults have posted a selfie to a social media website, compared to 24 percent of Generation X-ers and 9 percent of Baby Boomers – according to the Pew Research Center.
The start of the selfie trend is difficult to pinpoint, though the Guardian estimated that they emerged in earnest in 2010. That’s when the iPhone 4 was released with a front-facing camera. Today, people across the world take more than 1 million selfies each day.
Respondents to the Luster survey said they took an average of nine selfies a week and put the average amount of time needed at seven minutes. That adds up to about 54 hours a year of taking selfies.
Despite these figures, only 10% of respondents told Luster they were addicted to taking selfies.
But addiction may not be the biggest problem….here’s another statistic that made the news last week…..selfies have taken more lives this year than shark attacks.
Something to think about….