More proof that reading to your children brings great benefits and maybe the book you should be reading to them is the Bible.

Two separate studies have explored how listening to books boosts thinking skills helping children evolve into better readers and students. Dr. John Hutton, a clinical research fellow at Cincinniti Children’s Hospital Medical Center told the NY Times early reading is more than just a nice thing to do with kids — reading really does have an importance role in building brain networks that will serve children long-term as they transition from verbal communication to reading on their own.

Hutton led one of two new studies which used brain scans to explore which part’s of a child’s brain would light up when he or she listens to stories. 19 different 3-5 year olds were tested and those who were regularly read to had higher levels of brain activity in a region associated with the integration of sound and visual stimuli. The next logical question then would be, what should you read?

Truth Itself visited with Dr. Todd Brady, VP of University Ministries at Union University on today’s program. He also shared four principles for reading the Bible with your children:

  1. More is Caught than Taught (a child that sees their parents reading the Bible will BECOME Bible readers)
  2. Family Bible Readings are Powerful Gatherings
  3. Keep God’s Word Before Your Children at All Times
  4. Talk to Your Children About What You’ve Read to Reinforce the Lesson

Don’t underestimate the power of reading the Bible aloud to your children!