Not All Is Lost

A Missionary died thinking he was a failure; 84 years later thriving churches were found hidden in the jungle, that he was responsible for. In 1912, medical missionary Dr. William Leslie went to live and mi... Listen Now...

A Salute to Those Who Have Served

A business in Statesville, North Carolina is defying state officials by continuing to fly a Giant American Flag Despite $11k in Fines. Memorial Day was a time to remember and honor those who gave their live... Listen Now...

Looking In The Mirror

A High school senior lost 115 pounds by walking to school and changing his diet. Michael Watson who is 18, has had a life long battle with weight but decided to make a lasting change when he looked in a mir... Listen Now...

Why Church?

Is church really necessary for the Christian? Today, 5 reasons why believers can’t do without church. The reasons come from Lisa Appelo writing in First, you’re missing out on how God has... Listen Now...

The Presence of a Permanent Underclass.

Debt, just about everyone has it. But did you know Jesus talked a lot about debt. In fact, in his sermon on the mount, Jesus made debt forgiveness central to prayer. Jesus' first public pronouncements about... Listen Now...

The Original Story of The Garden.

Jesus talked a lot about money… often about debt. Today we start a series of reports looking at the words of Jesus and the Bible about finances. Debt is a major theme in the Bible that goes all the way back... Listen Now...