RADIO PROGRAM: Healthcare Credit

Most of those eligible for health insurance subsidies under the Affordable Care Act are failing to claim them. Researchers with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Urban Institute estimated that m... Listen Now...

RADIO PROGRAM: A Girl and a Homeless Man

Jesus said in order to enter the kingdom of heaven we have to be like little children. Some theologians think having an unconditional love was one of the qualities he was talking about… a story that ... Listen Now...

RADIO PROGRAM: Prisoners Giving Back

Every year at this time we hear stories about Christians donating to causes that help the families of prisoners. We have a story today about prisoners giving back. 2.7 million children in the U.S. have a... Listen Now...

RADIO PROGRAM: Prayer & School Clash Again

The question of whether America still enjoys religious freedom is being tested again....this time at a high school in North Dakota. A Fargo Catholic school is up in arms over a state policy saying it can... Listen Now...

RADIO PROGRAM: Note in a Bottle

A bittersweet story today about the loss of a child and a note in a bottle. It's been almost two months since 10-year-old Delaney Riley died suddenly after collapsing on her walk to school. Doctors later... Listen Now...

RADIO PROGRAM: SBC Financial Challenges

The largest denomination in the US is in the midst of a financial crisis that is having a devastating effect on its ability to spread the gospel around the world. This summer, the Southern Baptist Conven... Listen Now...

RADIO PROGRAM: Religious Freedom Roundtable

The assault on religious freedom is a global issue….can it be preserved? Tim Wilson, Australia’s human rights commissioner says the challenge of respecting religious freedom is becoming more complex, but... Listen Now...

RADIO PROGRAM: A Less Religious Generation

A new study finds today’s young Americans are less religious—and a lot more likely to stay that way In 2007, 92% of US adults believed in God. By 2014, that figure was 89%: a modest dip, none too notewor... Listen Now...

RADIO PROGRAM: Criticizing Your Pastor

In a lot of Christian homes Sunday dinner consists of “roast pastor.” But now the nation’s leading evangelists says that’s a sin. Responding to a question sent the Billy Graham association website, evang... Listen Now...