American Express and the American Cancer Society are the latest large corporations to say they will not give money to Planned Parenthood.

Large corporations are paying more attention to the dirty deeds at Planned Parenthood than ever before now that the abortion business has been caught twice selling the body parts of aborted babies.

American express and the American cancer society join giants Coca-Cola, Xerox and Ford Motor Company on the list of companies that no longer donate to Planned Parenthood.

“American Express last contributed to two Planned Parenthood community projects more than fifteen years ago. One project provided services to teens such as computer workshops, job preparation, mentoring, recreation and counseling. The other supported adult volunteers working with at-risk adolescents in a local school district.”

“The American Cancer Society does not fund grants to Planned Parenthood affiliates. The charity previously funded a very limited number of cancer control grants to Planned Parenthood affiliates to implement cancer control programs, such as training clinic staff to screen patients for smoking, providing patients the benefits of quitting smoking, and referring patients to a toll-free smoking cessation helpline. These grants expired several years ago. The American Cancer Society says it does not fund—nor has it ever funded—abortion or contraceptive counseling.”

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