Are you the kind of Christian God can’t use?

J. Lee Grady, writing a blog on Charisma news, contends there are seven types of Christian who will never be useful in the kingdom because of mindsets or behaviors that limit the flow of the Holy Spirit or, as the apostle Paul said “frustrate the grace of God.”

Here they are:

Driver’s seat Christians.  These are believers who enjoy the benefits of salvation yet they never yield control of their lives to God.

Armchair critics. These are the people who make it their business to analyze and pick apart everyone who is doing God’s work.

Glass-half-empty pessimists. Grady describes these Christians as those worried about what sinners are doing, or spend hours trying to predict when the Antichrist will arise.

Carnally minded Christians.  He says it has become fashionable today for believers to lower the standard of moral behavior to the point that anything goes.

Church dropouts. Grady contends God does not use people who have turned away from the church.

Timid cowards. Those who are afraid to share the gospel.

And Lazy spectators. Grady describes those Christians who think following God means clocking in for a 90-minute service before driving to the lake.

Grady concludes “If you want God to use you, you must take His call seriously and become a focused student of His Word and a passionate prayer warrior.

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