If you’re a dad, are you doing all you should to make a difference in your child’s life?

JT Waresak, writing for Family Talk, says its never too late to start being a good dad. He offers four essentials that will make a huge difference in the lives of your children–if put into regular practice.

First,  Express and share in the delight of your child.

This is one of the most important ways we can show love–to let them know the joy they bring to us. Dads need to communicate to their kids just how special they are on a regular basis.

Next, Be a sequoia tree for your child.

Regardless of what pop-culture “experts” may say, young kids need a dad to provide protection over their lives. Regardless of what life throws at your family, be there for them.

Third, Cultivate their hearts, souls and minds for Jesus.

While it’s essential that dads provide security, only God can truly be an eternal anchor of protection.

Encourage activities that engage your child’s heart and mind for the Lord.

And Humble yourself before God and your family.

Dads can’t effectively build Christ into their kids’ lives unless they have first afforded Christ to build into their own.

Waresak says that’s a daily pursuit that begins with the simple precept found in the book of James. As we come near to God, God comes near to us…as we humble ourselves before God, He will lift us up

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