Today is Carter Willett’s 10th Birthday.  He’s battling cancer and would love to get a Birthday card from you.

Carter Willett lives in Louisville and he is battling a rare form of cancer called Ewing’s Sarcoma. He has been receiving treatment for nearly a year. Today, Carter celebrates his 10th Birthday and he has a special request.

Carter’s only wish is Birthday cards – and lots of them. His dad posted on Facebook, asking to send cards. The post has already been shared over 450 times and gathering comments.

“Happy bday carter!! You are such an amazing young man,” one Facebook user commented.

“I hope some day I can be as courageous as you and am half the hero you are. I will be thinking of you spending my birthday wish on you,” another said.


Carter’s mom, Kimberly, said the family has been overwhelmed by the response on social media.

She said – “I think he’s still doesn’t truly believe that it’s real. Like, I said, ‘You’re going to get a lot of birthday cards’ and he said, ‘Really?’ and I’m like, ‘Yeah, you are.’ He’s still like, ‘I don’t know’.” 

To send Carter a card please address them to:

2825 Elam Drive, Louisville, KY 40213.

And Help Courageous Carter celebrate his 10th birthday!

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