The ruling that FRC’s Tony Perkins is denouncing says non monogamous relationships should be treated equally to marriage under the eyes of the law. 

Last month, Judge Karen May Bacdayan of the New York City Civil Court ruled in the case of West 49th St., LLC v O’Neill that “the time has arrived” for non-monogamous relationships to be given legal recognition.

Bacdayan argued that the U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage “while revolutionary, nevertheless still adhered to the majoritarian, societal view that only two people can have a family-like relationship.”

In a commentary published by The Washington Stand, Perkins said the decision showed that conservatives’ claims about a same-sex marriage slippery slope were correct. 

Perkins also pointed to a recent Gallup poll that found 23% of respondents believed polygamy was “morally acceptable,” well above what it was a generation ago.

He wrote, “And why not? If ‘love’ and ‘consent’ are all that define a relationship, then proponents of incest, pedophilia, and group marriage can follow the LGBT playbook all the way to validity. The Left has been quick to say that polygamy isn’t the next gay marriage. But who could possibly take them seriously?”

During the debate over same-sex marriage legalization, conservative politicians and activists argued that if same-sex marriage was legalized, polygamy would follow soon after.

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