Fairview Baptist Church in Mayfield was one of three Kentucky Baptist Convention churches decimated by an F-3 tornado that tore through western Kentucky. Due to COVID concerns, the congregation had only started regathering in their building two months ago.

Leroy Brent, who has pastored the congregation for nearly 35 years said, “We suffered a total loss. It was devastating.”

Founded in 1870, Fairview Baptist is the only African American Southern Baptist, KBC church in Mayfield. The congregation has been worshiping in its current building since 1913, and a cornerstone marking that date is one of the only structures still standing.

The church plans to harvest the cornerstone and the historic bell that was in the bell tower.

Brent said that with members scattered as far as Paducah and Murray, and a lack of electricity in many areas of Mayfield, the congregation will not meet in person for a few weeks. They are still looking for a new location where they can gather in the months ahead.

However, the destruction of their building will not thwart a church that has been ministering to Mayfield for more than 150 years.

Brent said, “We’re going to see what can be repaired and we’re definitely going to rebuild on the same spot.”

He added that the congregation needs prayer as they begin the process of recovery and cleanup at their facility.