Are you in danger of falling on the slippery slope of comfort? David Jeremiah has four ways to keep your footing.

The Bible tells us that Sardis was perhaps the first church in history with what we would call nominal Christians—people who claim to be Christians but are not. 

They relied on past success to keep them from destruction….much like many churches in America.

Pastor David Jeremiah offers 4 steps to avoid a fall….

Step 1: Be Sensitive to Sin

Jesus told his followers to be watchful, to be perpetually on guard against sin. 

As the Lord instructed Cain, “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” 

Step 2: Be Submissive to the Holy Spirit

Failing to live in the power of the Holy Spirit while continuing sinful habits quenches God’s Spirit and separates us from our life source. 

Step 3: Be Subject to the Authority of God’s Word

Jesus charges His people to know the Word of God and obey it. 

Hiding God’s Word in our hearts is the key to avoiding temptation. It should form the foundation for our choices and actions.

And Step 4: Repent

God’s method of recovery never changes. For those of us in the process of spiritual scarcity, the only remedy is repentance. We must ask God to forgive us for abandoning His Word as we turn away from our sin and move in a new direction. 

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