One of those fishermen was Austin Smith. He said“All you could hear was just screams and I couldn’t imagine being in the water with an upside-down boat in the pitch black and all you can do is scream.”

That was around 9 p.m last Monday. Smith along with his buddy Hunter Harris, were on their way back to shore after fishing when they heard the calls for help.

Smith said, “Two good ole country boys jumped in and helped out.”  They discovered a capsized boat and four people in the water.

Fortunately, all four boaters were able to get in his boat and were taken to land, uninjured. Smith hoped the story would help raise awareness on boater safety, and he praised God for watching over the rescue.

He said, “If God wasn’t there maybe nobody would have heard their screams. What if it was a little later and nobody was out there? We’d be coming to a different story today. Definitely glad we were out there and able to jump in and spring into action to help those folks out.” 

Smith added, “I don’t need an atta boy or a good job, it’s our responsible to be helping and kind in this world. There’s not a lot of good things that happen in this world nowadays so if you can be a part of that, that better step in the world of being kind and just being a genuine human being just do it.”

The driver of the capsized boat was arrested for Boating Under the Influence (BUI).