The research by Barna blamed the uncommitted Christians poor discipline in their faith and the fact that they often don’t know how to pass on biblical values to their children.

Barna’s new book, Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind and Soul, was released on Sept. 5th and is currently ranked No. 1 among Amazon’s newly released books on family health.

Research from the book comes from seven original studies conducted as part of a collaborative effort between the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University and the Family Research Council. The studies examine the ability of parents to “intentionally and strategically raise spiritual champions among the nation’s children.” 

According to the book, many Christians feel so ill-equipped in their ability as parents that they have been swept up in a growing trend of “outsourcing their responsibilities.”

Barna said that during his research, parents often shared doubts about their own parenting ability, even expressing that although they are doing the best they can, they don’t feel that they are very good parents.  

But because they love their children and want them to have the best experiences and outcomes, parents look for people who they believe can do the job in various dimensions of their child’s lives.

The result? Parents have stepped back and handed over the worldview development process to experts, who may or may not share their worldview and values.